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If you don't know where you are going, how are you going to get there? 

CowPlan vision

CowPlan's vision is to resource the dairy industry in the South West UK, in order to maximise cow comfort and production by supplying research based advice and key dairy housing equipment.  This involves key products such as cow mattresses and cubicles, and also consultancy work for whole farm development, improving existing dairy cow housing, and designing and supplying equipment for new high welfare cow housing.  

CowPlan values

CowPlan aims to trade with integrity and honesty, while putting the cow first in building designs and products offered. 

Your farm vision

Your vision for your business needs to be real, and drive everything. Ensure that it is simple, enduring and it inspires you to take the business where you want it to go.


Strategically it will help you, your family and your staff team understand and know exactly what you are trying to achieve.

Your farm values

Your values for your business are the principals that drive and govern your success.  This may mean that high cow welfare, or a great family life are what you value most.


Values can be simple aims, or a complex business strategy.

Plan a cow shed  

Plan a business

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