CASE STUDY 2: New build
Ed Newton - Millers Court, Malvern, Worcestershire, UK
Ivor Davey started working with Ed Newton in 2006, while still employed by Wilson Agriculture. At this time, the existing cow housing was renovated in order to improve bed lengths, cow space and overall cow comfort.
This started a relationship of advice and consultation, which resulted in Ed chatting to Ivor about long terms plans, early 2014.
Consultancy work:
In 2014 Ed and Ivor looked at options of developing parts of the farm and considered new robotic milking facilities, or new parlour and housing.
By July 2014, the plans were finalised and orders confirmed for a new building for 272 cows, with a new rapid exit parlour facility alongside.
The new building was designed as a four row building, with head to head cubicles, either side of a central feed passage. The cubicles are at 1.172m centers, which are perfect for the cows at Millers court. The beds are all 5.334m doubles rows. The back passage is 3.35m and the feed passage is 4.87m with a 5.5m central feed passage.
Overall the building is 93.76m long x 34.286m with 1.5m overhangs down both sides. The roof pitch is 22.5 degrees to optimise natural ventilation. We opted for 8% roof lights on the northern elevation and only 4% on the southern elevation, in order to reduce heating by sun light.
Some of the details include squeeze gaps down the self-locking feed barriers, allowing easy operator access. Also, ZigZag rubber for cows to stand on while eating. We also installed tip over drinkers down the outside of the building and Care For Cows brushes inside.
The Accu-step groover was used on all the concrete finishes and a precast heel kerb works perfectly in order to position the cows well. We installed Wilson Agri post mounted 'gordie' loops.
In June 2016 the bedding changed from green manure to deep sand beds.